Twitter Post from 2011-01-06 14:16:27 +0000
#isitjustme or does everyone find a little more dirt they didn’t notice before, as soon as the vacuum cleaner is put away?
Exploring computers, electronics, code, the internet, and the world around us
#isitjustme or does everyone find a little more dirt they didn’t notice before, as soon as the vacuum cleaner is put away?
Kentville’s snow removal plan doesn’t remove the snow so much as it does make it into several large, inconvenient piles throughout town.
white-green, green, white-orange, blue, white-blue, orange, white-brown, brown. #hardwired #literally
Dammit YouTube! Stop putting 3-week old videos I’ve already watched in my subscription updates area! #modernlifetribulations
Why do I have so many S-Video cables?! I’ve never used any.
Just ordered some shift registers from eBay. Can reduce data lines needed to control an LCD from 7 to 3. #insomniashopping #dhk
#isanyoneelse disappointed when a purple cleaning product is scented lavender instead of grape? #orisitjustme ?
Bird of day and bird of night will bow to the city of gold. #teletoonretro #cartoon #illgetyounexttime
Snow-bank cooled #Pepsi is the best thing ever.
Gifts opened. Dinner eaten. Inlaws out. Christmas done. #phew