Twitter Post from 2011-08-24 10:52:00 +0000
Leaving the windows open overnight actually produced a cold house this morning. #autumniscoming
Exploring computers, electronics, code, the internet, and the world around us
Leaving the windows open overnight actually produced a cold house this morning. #autumniscoming
Jell-O pudding and yogurt are breakfast equivalents, right?
Joint compound dust has got to be the most pervasive substance on earth. #itseverywhere
Since when are Canadian pennies ferromagnetic? #thatmeanstheysticktomagnets
Just installed a MacBook-sourced 802.11n card in my acer. Part of the install was placing a tiny piece of electrical tape over pin 20. Tiny.
Just filled in some more new drywall using way too much joint compound. #seussianerahomerenovations
Film and TV peeve #29: You will not find water under pressure inside the drain pipes under a sink.
Clasp your hands together with interlocking fingers. Now shift them so that the other thumb is outside. Doesn’t that feel completely wrong?
Kick-ass thunderstorm in Kings county right now. #thunder #lightning
Maxed out my Mini with 8GB of RAM in anticipation of Lion’s 100% 64-bit goodness. #apple #osx #lion