Twitter Post from 2012-03-16 18:44:58 +0000
Okay, #apple people… my iPod has been sitting with a repair status of “Product replacement pending” for the last two days. Pending what?!
Exploring computers, electronics, code, the internet, and the world around us
Okay, #apple people… my iPod has been sitting with a repair status of “Product replacement pending” for the last two days. Pending what?!
People with too much saliva shouldn’t be invited to do radio interviews. I’m talking to you, CBC One.
Apple repair tracking indicates they received my iPod and are diagnosing it now. Woo!
3rd day without my iPod touch… the ennui is just about killing me.
Day 2 of no iPod touch. The stabbing pain has subsided. I’m just left with a feeling of emptiness and longing.
Hey Twitter for BlackBerry: any chance you could NOT add Twitter for BlackBerry to all my tweets sent from my godawful BlackBerry?
No iPod and no portable Internet makes Vic something something. #goingcrazy
Having to use twitter from a blackberry like some kind of animal. #noipod
I am without my iPod touch for a week or more while it’s sent back to Apple to (hopefully) fix my home button under warranty. #sadvic
Home button on my iPod hasn’t worked well for a month or so now. Finally put in a requisition for repair. Apple’s sending me a shipping box.